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حـرمـتـلـی یاش‏اولی‏لاردان و یـاشـلاردان (شـو سـایت‏ینگ اؤستـی بیـلن) اؤز تجـریبه‏لـرینی و دؤره‏دیجیلیکـلرینی هـمـّه‏لره ال‏یتـر اتمکـلرینی خـواهـش ادیاریس.ـ
Iň täze habarlar – sahypanyň soňunda ‏ ایـنـگ تـازه خـبــرلـر - صـفـحـه نـیـنـگ ســونـگــونــدا

30 January, 2008

Amnesty International – Halkara günä geçiş guramasy tussagdaky Eýran türkmenleri barada habar berdi.

Habaryň asyl çeşmesini görmek üçin şu ýere baryň.

Report Content
PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 13/016/2008
25 January 2008

UA 24/08 Fear of torture

IRAN Jamshid Arazpour (m), ethnic Turkmen from Gomesh Deppeh
Haji Aman Khadivar (m), ethnic Turkmen from Chapaqli, Golestan
200-300 others

The two men named above were detained in the first week of January, during or after unrest that followed the killing of a Turkmen fisherman by the security forces. They are believed to be held incommunicado in Bouyeh Prison by officials from Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence in the city of Gorgan, the capital of the north-eastern province of Golestan. They are at risk of torture.

On 28 December, an 18-year-old Turkmen fisherman, Husamettin Khadivar, was killed by maritime security officers. He had been fishing without a license in the Caspian Sea off the city of Bandar-e Torkman. Three other fishermen taking part in the unauthorised fishing were arrested.

It is not known where Jamshid Arazpour was arrested. Haji Aman Khadivar, older brother of the dead man, was detained while taking part in mourning and commemorative events for his brother, outside the family home in Chapaqli. Both men, and others detained in the course of protests which followed Husamettin Khadivar’s death, are said to have been tortured by three security officials while being transported in a minibus from Bandar-e Torkman to prison in Gorgan. Following the arrests, Bouyeh prison in Gorgan was said to have been so crowded that shackled detainees were forced to stand, possibly for hours, in freezing temperatures in the prison’s courtyard, before they were put in cells.

An Iranian body, the Turkmen Human Rights Group is said to have taken up the arrested men's case with the authorities.

On 30 December people from Turkmen fishing villages including Chapaqli and Khoja Nafas went to the military base near Chapaqli to seek information and to protest at the killing. Some also tried to lodge complaints at the office of the security chief of Bandar-e Torkman, but were turned away. Protests followed which are said to have led to broken windows and cars set on fire near the offices of the district governor, the security forces and the maritime security office. The protests are said to have continued until around 6 January, when the authorities received reinforcements. Dozens of Turkmen protesters are said to have been injured, and 200-300 were arrested in villages in the region, including at least two from Gomesh Deppeh (Gomeshiyan in Persian), 20 from Chapaqli and 75 from Bandar-e Torkman. The detainees were reportedly not given any reason for their arrest, nor told what was going to happen to them. Their families have not been told where they are held, nor allowed to contact them.

Scores, if not hundreds, of Turkmen have reportedly been taken to Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchistan province, possibly to make it harder for families to find out what has happened to them. One report suggested that these people were arrested at night and taken, in whatever they were wearing, to a detention centre where they received clothing and, in many cases, were taken from the region.

The Turkmen of Iran number around 2.2 million (no more than 3% of the population), and speak a Turkic language. They are Sunni Muslim and live in the north-west of the country. They are allowed no education or social services in their mother tongue, though a small number of newspapers are allowed to publish in Turkmen. Turkmen cannot obtain senior positions in even local government, under discriminatory gozinesh, or selection policies.

According to Turkmen sources, at least two other fishermen have been killed in the past two years, in a region marked by poverty and up to 40% unemployment. Fishing has reportedly recently been transformed into a state enterprise, effectively banning individual fishermen from their traditional livelihood.

The parliamentary representative for Bandar-e Torkman, himself a Turkmen, has reportedly complained to parliament on three occasions about the killing of Husamettin Khadivar and the subsequent mass arrests of his constituents. In one of his statements he is reported to have said that, "One cannot tell poor villagers that they should continue to live in hunger."

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, English, Turkmen or your own language:
- expressing concern at the reports of the incommunicado detention of up to 300 Turkmen, including Jamshid Arazpour and Haji Aman Khadivar following the killing of Husamettin Khadivar;
- calling on the authorities to ensure that none is tortured or ill-treated;
-calling on the authorities to allow all those detained to be granted immediate and regular access to their families and lawyer of their choice and to be granted any medical treatment they may require;
- reminding the authorities of their obligation under international human rights law to charge the detainees with recognisably criminal offences and to try them promptly and fairly, or else release them.

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency

Minister of Intelligence
Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie
Ministry of Intelligence, Second Negarestan Street, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation: Your Excellency

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Governor of Golestan province
Governorate of Golestan (Ostandari-ye Ostan-e Golestan)
Gorgan, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: via website:
Put your name in the top field and your message in the last field. Click the grey box beneath to send.

COPIES TO: diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 6 March 2008.

12 January, 2008

Arrested people are tortured

Security services, law enforcement and local government were involved in the arrest of about 200 people following the events of Sunday December 30, 2007 in Bender Turkmen and Chapakly. Of these, approximately 150 people were released, however 50 remain in prison. A female teacher who protested against their action also was thrown into prison. At this time there is no information about the well-being of these prisoners. According to Iranian Turkmen Web sites the prisoners have been tortured.
By law, the “Sea Guard” has the authority to arrest such offenders. However, is it within the law that they act as a judge and executor as well?
Over the past 20 years, the “Sea Guard” has also been involved in the killing of several young people (aged from14 to 25) who were involved in illegal fishing.
Iranian officials consider the Islam (Shiite) religion as religion of “protest”. But it would seem the only protesting carried out is by the Government at the expense of the people.

07 January, 2008

“Etemad” gazetiniň Muhammetguly Haji Iriden we Baýramgeldi Bermekden alan interwýuy

Eýranyň “Etemad” gazeti Bender Türkmeniň Yslam Şura Mejlisindäki wekilinden golaýlykda bir ýaş balykçynyň Deňiz Goraýjylary tarapyndan öldürlenligi hakda interwýu aldy.

Bender Türkmeniň wekili Muhammetguly Haji Iri şeýle diýdi: “Şu wagta çenli üç gezek mejlisiň tribunasyndan, (gün tertibiniň öňünden) Bender Türkmende kanuny bozup, balykçylara ok atýarlar. Elbetde Deňiz Goragçylaryň aýdyşlaryna görä birnäçe balykçylar hem kanuny bozup Deňiz Goraýjylara ok atýarlar.” Iri şol çykyşlarda Içeri Işler Ministrliginden we Oba Hojalyk Ministrliginden bu wakalar hakda sorandygyny we iki gezek hem prezidente hat üsti bilen ýüzlenendigini, emma gynansa-da henize çenli olardan jogap almadygyny – nygtap aýtdy. Bender Türkmeniň Yslam Şura Mejlisindäki wekil şeýle diýdi: “Biz hem bikanun awa çykmagyň öňüne geçmeli diýýäris, ýöne balygyň esasy (awçylary we) olaryň azalmagyna sebap bolýanlara, işbiliň uly gaçakçylaryna we arada durýanlara şeýle bir garşylyk görkezýärler welin olaryň burnundan (bir damja) gan hem dammaýar. Balykçylara jeza bermeli bolsa kanun esasynda bolsun.” Iri wakalaryň esasy sebäbi bolan işsizligiň üstünde durup şeýle diýdi: “Adamlara iş ýerlerini döredip bermeli. Bir garyp obala “Açlyk çek!” - diýip bolmaz.

Baýramgeldi Bermek, Kalale we Minudaşdtyň wekili “Etemad” gazetine şeýle diýdi: “Deňiz Goragçylaryň kanun we düzgünnamasy bar. Olar şondan ýörelge almaly. Eger-de adamlar “Deňiz Goragçylary” karam edendir oýdýan bolsalar sud (kazyýet) instasiýalary (maraje) olaryň işlerini barlap kanun bilen derňäp görmeli. Eger-de balykçylar günäli bolsa oňa hem ýetişiklik etmeli. Bermek karam we jeza aragatnaşygyna degişli şeýle diýdi: “Rugsatsyz balyk tutmak karam, emma onuň jezasy ölüm däl. Her-ne kanunçylar bu wakanyň bilip ýa-da bilmezlikden bolandygyny anyklap bilerler.” Ol işsizligi aradan aýryp başarjak proektlere we döwlet bu regiona aýratyn üns bermelidigini nygtap “Şäherde Şura, Kethudalyklar we başga ýerine ýetiriji organlar ýaşlara iş ýagdaý döretmeli.” - diýip aýtdy. “Portuň gämi duralgalryny güýçlendirmeli. Bazarçalar döredip, kiçiräk we peýdaly önümçilik proektler bu regionyň işsizlik meselesini çözer. Şeýdilse dogurdanam şäheriň ýaşlary rugsatsyz balyk awlamagy taşlarlar. Sebäbi diňe garyplyk we ondan gelip çykýan ruhy dertler adamlary şu işlere tarap itýär.” - diýip belledi.

03 January, 2008

What’s going on in Bender Türkmen?

Friday Dec. 27, 2007

During the night, a large “Sea Guard” force’s patrol-ship purposely crashed into a small fishermen’s boat in the Caspian Sea. The boat was occupied by 3 young men, one of which was killed. The unemployed young man was only 18 years old, and had been fishing to feed his family.

Sunday Dec. 30, 2007

An angry group of people attacked the municipality building of the city and broke doors, windows and equipment, including some boats which were in the yard.

Early the next day, (Monday Dec. 31.12.2007) officials began to make arrests and take people into custody who were suspected to be involved in the attack. They were taken to an unknown place.
This is not the first time such events have happened. Rather than create employment for these people, government organizations invest their time in hunting after them. This has been ongoing for several years. This event illustrates the intractability of the “Sea Guard” forces and it is not the first time such events have occurred. It is definitely not the last time. Will the government leave these culpable people without punishment this time again? Perhaps this is not the most important point to this question, for if the government will not provide jobs for these citizens, this same scenario will be repeated for years. The events clearly portray a government which does not think in any long-term manner about its people.

02 January, 2008

Bender Türkmende bolan wakalar hakda

Bender Türkmende bolan we tut-ha tutluklar hakda köpräk material okajak bolsaňyz, aşakdaky çatgylara göz aýlaň:,3377.html

Anna güni, 27.12.2007ý
Kaspi deňizdäki Eýranyň "Deňizleri goraýan" güýçleri gijäniň tümlüginde 3 sany ýaş balykçynynyň gämisini basgylap olaryň birini öldürdiler. Ol 18 ýaşly işsiz oglandy.Ol öz öýüni ekdelemek üçin deňize çykypdy.

Ýekşenbe güni, 30.12.2007ý
Gahar gazaba münen adamlar şäheriň häkimligine (meriýasyna) çozup, ol jaýyň aýnalaryny döwüp, howlydaky gämileri zaýalapdyrlar.
Döwlet adamlary bu wakanyň ertesi gün irden (Duşenbe güni, 31.12.2007), Bender Türkmende we başga golaý şäherlerde, şu herekete goşulşan bolmagy mümkin bolan adamlary tutup näbelli ýerlere äkidipdirler.

Bu birinji hadysa däl. Döwlet organlary oňa we oňa meňzeşlere iş tapyp bermezden olaryň özlerini awlaýarlar. Bu waka ýyllar boýy gaýtalanyp gelýär. Bu waka "Deňizleri goraýan" güýçleriň eden etdiklering birinjisi bolmaýşy ýaly, soňkysy hem bolmaz. Döwlet bu organyň işgärlerini hemişekisi ýaly bu gezek hem jezalandyrmazmy? Herne, soragyň tümmek ýeri bu däl. Döwlet adamlara iş orunlaryny döretmese, bu waka ýene-de dowam eder durar. Bular ýaly wakalar, döwletiň adamlar hakda pikir etmeýänligini aňladanokmy?

Bender Türkmende tut-ha tutluk başlandy

Bender Türkmende bolan wakalar hakda şu ýerde pars dilinde okap bilersiňiz.
Bu wakalar bir ýaş balykçy bikanun balyk tutup ýören wagty döwlet adamlary tarapyndan wagşylyk bilen öldürlen soň başlandy.

Hat alyşmak üçin özüňize dost ýa pikirdeş tapynyň!

خط آلیشماق اؤچین اؤزینگیزه دوست یا فکردش تاپینینگ
Munuň üçin özüňize gyzykly tema we e-mail adresiňizi ýollaň. Siziň hatyňyzy okap siziň pikirdeşiňiz ýa-da dostlaşmak isleýän size hat ýollar.
مونونگ اؤچین اؤزینگیزه قیزیقلی موضوع و ایمیل آدرسینگزی یوللانگ. سیزینگ خطینگیزی اوقاپ سیزینگ فکردشینگیز یا-دا دوستلاشماق ایسله یان، سیزه خط یوللار
Taryh, edebiýat we ýaşlar hakda. -->

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